
Protecting Texas Employees’ Rights Through Increasing Minimum Wage and Securing Unpaid Wages

The federal minimum wage for hourly employees is $7.25 per hour. Unlike other states that allow for a higher minimum wage, the Texas minimum wage is $7.25. Advocates of a higher minimum wage have cited the unrealistic expectation that people are able to live on $7.25 per hour. Furthermore, they have argued that a higher minimum wage will foster the economic growth of the United States and close the gap between low- and middle-income families.On the other side, those in favor of keeping the minimum wage lower argue that employers cannot keep up with the higher wages and will have to lay off more employees, increasing the unemployment rate. However, despite the opposition to increasing the minimum wage, the fact remains that individuals in these positions often face many obstacles surviving on so little income. In some cases, employers will try to get around complying with the minimum wage requirement, which leads employees to face even more issues.

There are very few instances when an employer does not need to comply with federal minimum-wage standards. Some exceptions are if the employee is a farm worker, student learner, independent contractor, or tipped employee. If an employee is not sure if they fall into one of these categories, or they believe their employer is not complying with federal statutes, they should contact a Dallas wage and hour attorney.

Texas’ Payday Law

The Texas Payday Law was passed to ensure that Texas employees are paid – and paid fairly. The law applies to all Texas businesses and, unlike some other employment regulations, does not have a minimum-employee requirement. The only exceptions are public employers. If a Texas employee believes their employer is engaging in unfair labor practices, they should consult with a Texas employment lawyer and discuss filing a claim with the Texas Workforce Commission.

One obvious situation in which an employee may consider filing a claim is if an employer is failing to pay them. There are other, subtler ways an employer may engage in illegal labor practices, such as underpaying tipped employees, failing to pay overtime, or deducting time incorrectly.

It is important that employees who believe their employer is engaging in illegal labor practices consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Under Texas law, employees in this situation only have two years to file an unpaid wage lawsuit. An attorney’s assistance is important because an attorney can assist employees in collecting the necessary documentation and preparing a strong lawsuit.

Have You Been a Victim of Unpaid or Underpaid Wages in Texas?

If you or someone you know has been a victim of illegal employment practices in Texas, you should call the Texas employment lawyers at Rob Wiley, P.C. Fighting against a business or organization can be an uphill battle, and businesses will certainly have sophisticated legal counsel representing their interests. Therefore, it is important that you have the same caliber of representation. Contact the law office of Robert Wiley, P.C. at 214-528-6500 to schedule your free consultation.

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