
What to Expect During Your Initial Consultation

The biggest step is usually the first step. I am glad that you have taken the first step by scheduling an initial consultation to discuss your employment case. If you have not scheduled an initial consultation, I hope you do it soon.

Many of my clients have never had to meet with an employment attorney, so my goal is to make each client feel as comfortable as possible when meeting with me. You should not be scared about having to meet with an employment attorney. I can assure you, you have likely made the right decision.

This article answers common questions and addresses comments that I hear from potential clients during consultations.

Will I get to speak with an employment attorney?

Yes. You would be surprised how many clients tell me that they did not know they were meeting with an attorney. At the Law Office of Rob Wiley, P.C., you will always consult with a Dallas Employment Lawyer during your initial consultation. This is not only an opportunity for us to learn if we are able to assist you with your employment matter, but, more importantly, it is an opportunity for you determine if we are the right firm for you.

What should I bring to the initial consultation?

Generally, you are not required to bring any documents to the initial consultation unless you have scheduled a document review. During the initial consultation, you are the star of the show. We trust that you know the facts of your case well and are able to share your experience with us. We do not want anything to distract us from listening to your experience or prevent us from asking you the right questions. Should you retain the Firm, you will be expected to bring in and preserve all documents in your possession.

How should I prepare for the initial consultation?

In an effort to keep our promise of making the initial consultation a positive experience, we do not expect you to do any preparation prior to your consultation other than being prepared to tell your story. You may want to review your notes and any other documents you believe are relevant to your case. Do not feel like you have to know every single detail of your case. If you have questions you want to ask us, please write those questions down so you do not forget them.

What should I expect during the initial consultation?

At the Law Office of Rob Wiley, P.C., we typically schedule consultations for 45 minutes to one (1) hour. During this time, we will ask questions to better understand your employment situation. There may be times in which we have to ask difficult or unexpected questions, but it is typically to make sure we understand your situation.

It is imperative that you answer every question honestly and to the best of your knowledge because our legal analysis depends on the facts you provide. Once we understand the facts of your case, we will discuss the law and a strategy that will hopefully resolve your employment dispute.

Most importantly, you can expect us to be transparent and honest while being respectful and professional. The outcome may not be what you expected, but the goal is to share all aspects of your case with you, which will help you make an informed decision.

I’m not going to remember everything we discussed during the initial consultation. Can I take notes?

Absolutely. We will be taking notes during the meeting; we encourage you to do the same. We find that most people appreciate taking notes to have as a reference later.

Does the initial consultation mean I have you to retain you as my attorney?

No. An initial consultation is for us to better understand your legal matter and discuss strategy and ideas for your employment matter. You may determine that the legal process is not the best way to resolve your employment dispute. Some potential clients schedule an initial consultation just to confirm what they already know.

The decision to retain an attorney and when to retain an attorney is completely yours. However, should you have an employment matter we can help you with, you can expect the attorney to discuss fees and the process to retain our Firm.

I hope this article has confirmed your beliefs or has changed your perspective about the initial consultation. Navigating the legal system and fighting against your employer can be frightening, but an initial consultation shouldn’t be. If you believe you have an employment dispute, you should contact a Dallas Employment Lawyer to schedule an initial consultation. The attorneys at Rob Wiley, P.C. have extensive experience handling all types of complicated employment disputes and are ready to fight for you.

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