
Articles Posted in FLSA


Am I Exempt or Non-Exempt from Stacks of Holiday Green?

During the holiday season around my college campus, there was “common knowledge” that one of the biggest benefits of working retail on holidays like Black Friday was that you’d be entitled to time and a half solely because you worked on that day. Cut to becoming an employment lawyer and…


Statute of Limitations Laws: The Clock is Always Ticking.

Time does not stop for anyone. There are time limits for filing claims against your employer. In fact, state and federal claims have different deadlines for different types of claims. When pursuing a claim against your employer, it is important to note the statute of limitations for the claim you…


Holiday Cheer and Termination Fear: Can I be fired for my behavior at a work holiday party?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Love them or hate them, this is the time of the year during which employers are finalizing holiday party plans. After a long pause on holiday parties due to Covid-19, many employers are gearing up for their first holiday party since the…


Give me a Break: Are Texans entitled to Lunch breaks?

Aside from New York’s magnificent architectural treasures and California’s amazing weather and beautiful beaches, what sets these two states apart from Texas? New York and California have strict requirements for employers to provide meal and rest breaks to employees, while Texas does not. Under Texas law, there is no requirement…

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