Articles Posted in Employee Rights

Austin Campbell

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Austin Campbell

Summary: This article discusses a possible future application of the reasoning in Muldrow v. St. Louis, by comparing that case to past decisions that set up the “severe or pervasive” standard.

I previously wrote about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis, in which the Court made it clear that discrimination is unlawful as long as it causes “some” harm.  A plaintiff does not have to meet some arbitrary bar of “significant” harm just to bring their case.  Any disadvantageous change in the “terms, conditions, or privileges of employment,” if done for an unlawfully discriminatory reason, violates Title VII.  This article explores one area, hostile work environment claims, where Muldrow’s reasoning could also apply.   

Riley Carter

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Riley Carter

In recent years, the concept of bringing pets into the workplace has gained significant traction. For many, having their furry companions by their side during the workday brings a sense of comfort and alleviates stress. However, while the idea may seem simple and appealing, there are various legal considerations that both employers and employees need to take into account before implementing a pet-friendly policy in the workplace.

Health and Safety Regulations

Harjeen Zibari

Dallas Employment Trail Lawyer Harjeen Zibari

After signing a severance agreement, employees are understandably eager to be paid the funds they are owed. That’s why many employees are often frustrated to hear that they will not be paid immediately signing a severance. For workers over 40, there’s a very specific legal reason for this.

 The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) are two significant pieces of legislation in the United States aimed at protecting older workers from discrimination in the workplace. When it comes to severance agreements, both laws have specific requirements that employers must adhere to that mean a delay in payments:

Deontae Wherry

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Deontae Wherry

In the dynamic world of business, having the right legal team can mean the difference between success and setbacks. When it comes to protecting your interests and navigating complex legal challenges, nothing beats the expertise and specialization of board-certified employment attorneys. Here’s why investing in a board-certified employment attorney is advantageous for you:

  1. Expertise and Specialization

Austin Campbell

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Austin Campbell

Summary: This article discusses the holding and implications of the Supreme Court decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis.

In the U.S. Supreme Court’s April 17, 2024, decision in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis, the Court reversed a lower court decision dismissing a police officer’s lawsuit over being transferred to a worse position because of sex.  This reinstated her case.  In concert with the Fifth Circuit’s decision in Hamilton v. Dallas County, 79 F.4th 494 (5th Cir. 2023), Muldrow hopefully represents a coming trend of courts finally rolling back decades of judge-made roadblocks to employees’ abilities to enforce their civil rights.  Courts applying the law as written should give employees greater protections by removing opportunities for judges’ preconceptions or assumptions (often about people in very different circumstances from themselves) to get mixed into their rulings.

Riley Carter

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Riley Carter

As the holiday season approaches, many employees find themselves yearning for quality time with family and friends. Taking leave during this festive time is a common practice, but it’s crucial to understand the legal implications and rights associated with holiday leave under employment law.

Understanding Your Leave Entitlement

Ellen Johnston

Dallas Employment Trail Lawyer Ellie Johnston

As we welcome a new year, it’s an opportune time for employees to empower themselves by understanding their rights in the workplace. Knowledge is a powerful tool, and when employees are aware of their rights, they can contribute to a fair and healthy work environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of knowing your rights as an employee and how this knowledge can lead to greater empowerment and workplace satisfaction.

 The Foundation of Workplace Rights

Rob Wiley

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Rob Wiley

The Supreme Court plays a crucial role for Texas employment lawyers representing employees due to its power to interpret and set precedents in federal employment law. Decisions made by the Court on issues like workplace discrimination, wage and hour laws, and employees’ rights under federal statutes directly impact the legal framework within which Texas employment lawyers operate. These rulings can either expand or limit the rights and protections available to employees in Texas. It is vital that the Supreme Court maintain the highest ethics of any court.  

Sadly, I am unimpressed with the new Code of Conduct issued by the Supreme Court.  While this initiative is commendable for attempting to consolidate ethical standards, it crucially falls short in one major area: enforcement.

Deontae Wherry

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Deontae Wherry

The holiday season is a time of festivities and cheer in the workplace. However, it can also be a time of unique employment law challenges. It is important for employees to be aware of their rights during the holiday season. In this blog, we’ll explore some key aspects of employment law during the holiday season to help you understand your rights during this festive time.

Holiday Pay and Overtime

Austin Campbell

Dallas Employment Trial Lawyer Austin Campbell

Summary: This article explains concepts related to fee shifting in the US and how those rules affect not just attorneys, but their clients too 

Legal representation can be expensive.  Because of that, rules about who pays an attorneys’ fees can matter a great deal.  In the United States, unlike most other countries, the default rule is that each party in a dispute pays for their own attorney from beginning to end.  In the United Kingdom, by contrast, the default rule is that whoever loses a lawsuit has to reimburse the other side for what they paid their attorney.

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